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Tag Archives: elder law

What you need to know about long-term care

What You Should Know About Long-Term Care

By Andre O. McDonald |

Research shows that roughly one in seven adults aged 65 or older will need long-term care at some point in their later years. Meanwhile, tens of millions of Baby Boomers in the United States are growing older and living longer. It seems inevitable, then, that the future of long-term care will be undergoing significant changes.  The… Read More »

Understanding the 2024 Medicaid Spousal Impoverishment Standards

2024 Standard Protections for Spouses of Medicaid Applicants

By Andre O. McDonald |

Each fall, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) renews the federal guidelines that seek to protect individuals whose spouses are applying for or receiving Medicaid long-term care benefits. These protections, known as the Spousal Impoverishment Standards, help to support the financial well-being of seniors who continue residing at home while their spouse on… Read More »

Nursing Home Responsible Party: Am I financially liable for my loved one's care?

Can a Nursing Home Hold Friends or Family Members Responsible for a Resident’s Care?

By Andre O. McDonald |

If your loved one is entering a nursing facility, you may worry whether you could be liable for their care as the nursing home responsible party. Under federal law, a facility cannot require a family member or friend to co-sign an admission agreement and take on personal liability. However, nursing homes around the country… Read More »

Options for how to afford paying for long-term care

Paying for Long-Term Care

By Andre O. McDonald |

According to findings, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cites that almost seventy percent of retirees in America will need some long-term care (LTC), with median annual costs for these services ranging from $53,768 to $105,850 in 2020, according to research from Genworth. HHS also reports that those who receive Medicaid-financed… Read More »

Determining Medicad Eligibility for nursing home based on level of care

Medicaid Eligibility for Nursing Home Level of Care

By Andre O. McDonald |

Think again if you thought Medicaid planning only included meeting strict income and asset limits for long-term care coverage. You will also need to demonstrate you need the level of care typically provided in a nursing home setting. These health eligibility rules are valid if you apply for nursing home coverage or a Medicaid… Read More »

What's the difference between elder law and estate planning?

Elder Law vs. Estate Planning: What’s the Difference?

By Andre O. McDonald |

The short answer: Both estate planning and elder law share similar concerns. The longer answer? The differences make all the difference.   Elder Law vs. Estate Planning: The Concerns are Similar   No matter what age we’re, life can deliver some hard knocks. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. We can… Read More »

Tips for balancing caregiving with work responsibilities

How to Balance Caregiving with Your Work and Career

By Andre O. McDonald |

Providing care for a senior family member, particularly long-term care, can bring about lost wages and missed opportunities for the caregiver. A report by Genworth entitled Beyond Dollars 2018 shows that although statistically having to miss work to provide care is down 7% from 2015, overall 70% of caregivers still report missing work because of caregiving… Read More »

4 Common Power of Attorney Myths

4 Common Power of Attorney Myths

By Andre O. McDonald |

A durable power of attorney is one of the most important estate planning documents you can have. It allows someone who you appoint (your agent) to make non-medical decisions on your behalf in the event you become incapacitated. If you have not appointed an agent then your friends and family may not have the… Read More »

How to have a conversation about end-of-life planning

3 Tips for Talking About End-of-Life Planning

By Andre O. McDonald |

No one wants to discuss death and dying. And yet, it’s a critical time in everyone’s life and one for which we know we need to prepare. While many people have the desire to share their wishes, something is preventing people from openly communicating with their families when it comes to end-of-life planning. As… Read More »

How to prevent elder financial abuse

Elder financial abuse and Medicaid: How are they related?

By Andre O. McDonald |

A major problem faces Americans as they grow older – Elder Financial Abuse. But did you know that there is a documented link between elder financial abuse and Medicaid denials?   What is Elder Financial Abuse? Elder financial abuse is a growing issue for Americans. Studies show that $2.9 Billion are lost every year… Read More »

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For help with estate planning, special needs planning or elder law throughout Howard, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, and Baltimore County; and Baltimore City, contact McDonald Law Firm, LLC.

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10500 Little Patuxent Pkwy, #420
Columbia, MD 21044-3563

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7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 800 West
Bethesda, MD 20814

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Washington, DC 20037

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